Services and Rights for Victims of Crime



Victims’ Voices

Virtual exhibition

Racist, right-wing or anti-semitic attacks have been at a constantly high level for years, but those affected are rarely heard in society. The exhibition aims to present the emotional lives of those affected by right-wing attacks and hate crime and to give them a voice. In this way, the focus is to be shifted away from the perpetrators to the perspective of the victims. The exhibition shows how differently such violence can occur in everyday situations and what the consequences are. For this purpose, the german counseling center Zebra – Center for Victims of Right-Wing Attacks – spoke with victims in (northern) Germany who want to share their stories with the public. The exhibition is offered virtually as part of the EU project SeRV – Services and Rights for Victims of Crime – as a contribution of the category victim’s voices.

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Victims Spots

Currently we have numerous TV and newspaper reportages on right wing tendencies amongst the police, racial profiling by the police, about racist and right extremist’s movements in Germany, in certain regions and a number of reportages on right extremist and/or anti-Semitic motivated terrorist attacks plus homicide of politicians. We have collected them so far, the list is growing continuously as the puplic (media) interest seems to increase also. Here is an exert of some of those sources – which we have also taken into perspective for the analysis of victims voices (as secondary sources).

1) Documentary „Der schwache Staat“ (‚The weak state’) including voices of disappointed victims…

2) Interactive map of victims of right wing motivated homicide since the reunification of Germany…

3) Foundation (Amadeo Antonio Stiftung) based online portal – including a daily updated press review – on a right extremist and/or anti-Semitic motivated crimes etc.

4) Civil society radio station (“Freies Radio Neumünster” – Free Radio Neumünster) dealing with daily racism in a mid-sized town in North Germany – including different victims voices ,

5) Federal Association of counselling services (‚Verband der Beratungsstellen für Betroffene rechter, rassistischer und antisemitischer Gewalt e.V.‘) (in nearly each federal state) for victims of racist, right extremist and/or anti-Semitic motivated crimes[/embed]

They run a series of podcasts that alternatingly deal with regional, federal state based situations and involve the regional counselling services.

Some of the podcasts involve (include) victims (voices):[/embed]

#5: Vor Ort – gegen Rassismus, Antisemitismus und rechte Gewalt. Die Podcastserie von NSU Watch und VBRG Die current situation in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Talks with victims and members of the counselling service LOBBI-MV.

#7, hrsg. von NSU-Watch und VBRG: Vor Ort in Sachsen-Anhalt, Die current situation in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern after the terror attack on the Jewish synagogue. at Oktober, 9th, 2019. Talks with victims

#10 von NSU Watch und VBRG e.V. Current Situation in Berlin-Neukölln after Attacks, Talks with victims and psychological counselling servive of the association Ariba e.V. (Antirassistische interkulturelle Bildungsarbeit) for migrants and refugees and the victim suppport service ReachOut Berlin and OPRA.

They (‘Verband der Beratungsstellen für Betroffene rechter, rassistischer und antisemitischer Gewalt e.V.‘) are also member of an EC co-financed project on Hate Crime stakeholder awareness and victim support: ‘Enhancing Stakeholder Awareness and Resources for Hate Crime Victim Support (EStAR)’

6) „Der zweite Anschlag“ (‘The second attack’), Highly awarded documentary on victims of racial hatred and right wing terroristic attacks[/embed]